And He’s Off

Hello, I know I haven’t been updating as much as I thought I would.  The past few weeks have been a bit stressful.  The bf and I had to start the month with an apartment search, which ended when we decided we wanted to stay in our current apartment because there just isn’t one as nice as ours in our price range, and without having to move we could focus on re doing our apartment to look the way we want it to.

Two weeks, one visit from the bf’s mom and gma, two rooms painted, two pieces of furniture sold and two built later, we have a new apartment.  Everything looks nicer, more expensive, more cohesive.  Mmm mm mm mm mmm I’m lovin it.

Today is my last day in the city for awhile.  I fly out to Ohio tomorrow morning, and I’m feeling conflicted.  First and foremost, I am really upset about leaving the bf for this amount of time.  After having not seen him for so long while I was in Rhode Island, this past month has been amazing.  We took a trip together, then we had all these projects we’ve been doing.  I’ve been seeing mostly just him since I’ve been back and it’s going to really suck to say good bye.

I am grateful to have a job, lots of working actors don’t and all, and I know I am going to love rehearsing a new show and then running it.  We are also coming up to my favorite time of the year (autumn) and I get to be in Ohio when the leaves change color.  I won’t lie and say I’m not excited about that.

The last two weeks I have felt like my entire life is counting down, I’m running against the clock, because I only have so much time to accomplish everything I want/need to do before I leave.  For instance, I wanted to finish our apartment before I went so I could actually see (if not enjoy) how everything looks when put together for an end result.

I haven’t even started packing or anything, my mind needs to snap itself into show mode, and soon.

I decided to wanted to update because of a very strange occurrence (though not so strange for me).  A friend recently posted on his facebook that he loves that moment when the perfect song comes on his shuffle, the song he needed to listen to but didn’t know it yet.  I love those moments.

It just happened in the form of “A Whole New World.”   My friends from high school might be able to remember that I had a huge affection for this song my senior year (5 years ago, whoof).  I sang it with a couple friends, and after it kind of became my anthem for the year.  I was also finishing up high school and felt like I was growing up really quickly and like many clung to remaining aspects of my youth in an effort to slow the world down for myself.

Being this removed from high school I don’t know what exact moments I’m remembering.  I’m having flashes of disneyland with friends, and just the school.  It’s all very unspecific.  I guess the tie between these thoughts is once again time is plowing ahead and I feel a little resistance on my end.

I’ll let you all know how Ohio is 😉