Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Two years ago, two young men decided they were going to finally move into their first apartment together.  After a stressful month of apartment hunting and all the anxiety that comes with it the day of their move came at last.  Up in heaven God thought to himself “Now lets see how much these guys can take.”

What ensued was what was the worse day in both of their lives.  They cried, they swore, they yelled at each other, it was almost a non ending day that still tastes of bitterness in both of their memories.

Two years later, they decided they were going to move into their first apartment just the two of them, and God thought “Well I guess I have to up the ante.”

The last few days have been some of the worst in my life.  So the bf and I are trying to move into this beautiful apartment, not too far from our current.  1 bedroom very spacious, lovely kitchen with a DISHWASHER on a beautiful corner overlooking a treelined street on one side and a park on the other.

Going in we knew this apartment would be a lot of work.  The application required us to deal with a broker and requested more references and sources than I have ever been required (contracts, letters of recommendation, tax returns bank statements, reference of employment etc.)

All that was turned in well over 2 weeks ago, and then we played the waiting game.  See we need to be approved by the person who owns the apartment and renting it out, the management company that owns the building, and the co op overseeing the building.  As time passed and we weren’t hearing anything we kept getting more and more antsy but heard nothing from our broker.

It was almost moving day still no sign off, he says they are rushing it, they are trying to get someone to approve us, they are working no one knows what the problem is.  All the while we are saying “we have to move out the 31, we HAVE to move the 31, what do we need to do to be approved by the 31.”  We were told not to cancel anything (moving truck, friends helping, packing old apartment, painting old apartment) so the 31 we went and got our truck.

Since we still had no word by that morning we moved out our room mate first, after that we called the broker who told us our application had been lost in management and no one had even looked at it yet.  Aka you’re not moving today.

Well that was stressful, but we handled it with stride, we called our current landlord and we were allowed to stay a few days at a pro rated cost.

The next day we found out, IF we get approved for this new place it won’t be till mid September.  We freak out again, so we call our landlord and are then told we have to fax in a request for a September 30 move out date.  We couldn’t move out on the 15, they needed us to commit for the whole month.  Our new place was ok with us pushing the lease start to October 1, so we dodged another bullet.

Today we faxed in our request and got a call about 20 minutes later, that that was not indeed an option, if we didn’t move out in the next day our lease would automatically renew, and while we are bound to this new apartment we would have 2 leases for a year.  Panic, fear, anxiety, stress.

These two boys have so many wonderful friends in the city who all offered us a place to stay, for the whole month if need be.  That was so great to know, it really eased our minds.  The problem is we have an apartment full of furniture and our lives and had no place to put that, nor any way to get it anywhere.

I had about 3 hours where I just paced my apartment never sitting down waiting to hear from several people about what our options were.  I cried in that time, I started screaming, I’ve been in a bad place these last few days.

In the end we are signing a few contracts with various parties that pretty much sets us up for the month of september and allows us to move into our new place at the end of the month (so long as we get this apartment, if we’re not approved that’s a whole different story)

I haven’t been sleeping well, I’ve just been stressed, and today was icing on the cake.  I finally decided I would take myself to a dance class, it’s very zen for me, helps me step out of my body and calm down for a while.

I stepped off the subway and within a few steps I got shit on by a bird.  I walked to a bench and literally broke down.  I’ve been shit on a lot the last few days, now even by birds.  about 20 minutes passed and I just started crying harder, in the middle of central park kind of delirious.

Enter the bf, who calls to calm me down.  I snap at him that I don’t want to talk and he spends the next 15 minutes calming me down, centering me, making me realize there are positive and exciting things coming up and the great place we have gotten to, and how proud we should be of ourselves.

This whole experience has been just as hard if not harder on him.  I was still doing a show in Boston until monday and he’d been dealing with almost everything, and here I am breaking down and he is there being the most incredible guy, just trying to make me realize how good of a position we are finally in.  That guy is just the most amazing guy in the world, I have said this a million times in the last few days, I could not have gotten through the last week without him.  Bottom line.

So I went to the columbus circle bathroom and washed myself off, walked up to dance, still not sure I would actually take one, decided I should and I’ll be honest I kinda rocked tonight.  Yeah that’s not even remotely modest, I don’t really give a flying f.  I felt great and grounded and present and for about 2 hours didn’t even think about the things stressing me out in life.

3 months and this positive little anecdote is what I finally return to my blog with.  There was a lot of positive stuff that happened in between.  Once I find where my camera adapter is I’ll upload some photos and try and share on that.  Who knows, maybe I’ll even have a definitive place to live by them (dream big)