God I Hope I Get It

Today was a hell of a day.  I had a call back for a national tour of a Chorus Line.  The callback went really well, I made it through multiple cuts, and I have been called back again for next week.

First of all, I love this show.  It is one of my all time favorites and I want to be in a production, any production.  Cap on the fact that it’s as legit a production as this is and I would just be in heaven.  The production team includes people from the original production re creating the original Michael Bennet Choreography.

So around 5:15 they told me they wanted to see me again, I walked outside into the beautiful spring weather we had today (75 degrees!) called work and got the Ok to not come in, so I just wandered around the city a bit while I called my mom to gush about my day

Now I have a free friday on my hands!  I actually would really like to go out, but most everyone is either out of town or working tonight.  Just my fortune.  However it’s probably for the best, I have pasta cooking, a glass of red wine and a few new movies I still haven’t gotten to break in yet.  I think it’s going to be a good night.

Now I don’t know what is going to happen with this audition.  I have gotten this close before and not gotten it, I know chances are still slim and I have a lot still to prove, but as my dad said all I can rely on is my preparation, and that’s exactly what I plan to do: be as prepared as I humanly can by next week so I can prove just why I deserve to be in this show.

So just as the opening song says…

The Sky is Yours

I get really beaten down sometimes.  I’m in a profession where I am faced with rejection on a pretty much constant basis.  What’s more, it’s hard to not take to rejection personally when I am rejected for not being the right “person.”

Sometimes I show up at auditions, and I just try to muster the energy to stay there because all I want to do is leave.  I just don’t feel like a star sometimes, which sounds lame but really is how I should be feeling if I want to be hired.

The last few days I’ve had some really great experiences with dance.  I went to a Chorus Line audition which has been going well (I’ve been called back after having danced and sung for them to dance and sing a again tomorrow) but the auditioners were also incredibly inspiring.  The show is about a dance audition, so it was nice that the choreographers and production team treat the audition with such care.  Much of what they said really inspired me.

The next day I had another dance audition that I thought I did really well in.  The dance was fun, and it just made me happy and I felt like I was able to let go of the tension I often carry in my chest during these high stress situations and just enjoy the dance.  However I was not what they were looking for because they let me go there, so that was kind of sad but I felt good about the work I did.

Then I went to a dance class today, which kind of hurt my feet (rug burn style) but was a lot of fun, and it was bright an sunny today.  I just feel an overwhelming sense of optimism.  What’s more I’m about to go to yoga, so I’m going to have lots of oxygen in my body.

Now the reason I want to write this post is to share this video that I just found.  Perhaps one of my favorite songs by one of my all time favorite musicians…

enjoy and smile 🙂

The Sky is Yours

Summer time and the Living is Easy

Trying to keep up the posting run, so here I am writing a little while my mind is idling in front of the tv.

First of all, today was the weirdest day in the world of weather.  The first time I left the house it was warm and sunny with bright blue skies, then when I was getting ready to leave again I realized that it was raining.  Actually not only raining, we had a thunder and lightning storm that was really pretty cool.  Then it was sunny again only to rain again only to get sunny again.  New York please make up your mind.

Wednesday and Thursday have become my version of the weekend.  I have 2 days off in a row (so does the bf) and so I tend to get very little done.  I just want to collapse and not leave my apartment.  I’ve pretty much accomplished that this “weekend.”  I went to the gym and store yesterday, today I went to the gym and a friend’s barbeque.  That’s about it.

It was so fun though to go to a barbeque.  When we lit up the charcoal (all 12 times it took us before we finally got a decent fire going) that smell wafted over us and we were immediately lost in a daze of summer.

This is the first year that I have ever been genuinely excited about summer.  I’m done with the cold, gloomy weather.  I want beach weather.  I want sun.  I can’t wait for it to come.

Usually summer has always been subconsciously associated with a sense of ending for me.  Having been in school for the last decade or so summer time is when everything ends.  When I was at college it was when my world fell apart.  All the structure I ahd during the year disappeared and all my friends drifted to whatever corner of the country they needed to go to.  I never liked summer, it’s always depressed me.

This summer, I am faced with a strange new reality.  Nothing really changes when the season changes this year.  I’m not in school, nothing in my schedule will alter because it’s summer.  I really kind of like that.

I don’t even have many plans for this summer.  Because of recent events my schedule has become a little less certain for the next few months, which I’m ok with (I know I’m being cryptic but I guarantee to have more concrete things to share in the next week) so this summer I don’t have all that much specifically I’m looking forward to, it’s more stuff I’m conceptually looking forward to.

Like, I really want to get tan.  I want to finally ride out to Coney Island if only to go to the beach (I haven’t been to the beach in 2 years people!) I want to finally run outside, though I’m not exactly sure where because I don’t really have any places near my apartment I’m drawn to, but maybe I’ll find a way to trek out to central park to run there.  More dance classes.  All in all just more sunshine.  I like sunshine.

I wish I had more to talk about right now, but I frankly feel like I’m just kind of coasting right now.  I was talking to my mom the other day and she asked me at one point “what else is going on in your life” and I didn’t know what to say.  I tried to think of something, but there’s really not all that much.  It’s not that I am upset about this, I’m actually really kind of happy with my life right now.   Well let’s say content, there’s always a desire for more.

For example, I wish I spent more time with my friends, and more time DOING things with my friends.  I just got a few new books so I hope to maybe spend some time sunny in some unknown park while reading (even making it a full park/reading/sunny outing with some of my said friends)

I feel like I’m babbling.  Sun’s out (well not right now, it’s almost 10) and my spirits are up.  That is the long and short of it.

So here’s to the hope of the easy living…

Brightly Woven

I’m not sure if many people have ever taken the time to look at the right side of my page, but if you scroll over there you will notice that I have a blog roll, complete with links to some of my favorite blogs on the internet (and by favorite, I mean favorite people’s, not that I’m knocking their blogs, they are the only blogs I really read, so I guess you could call their blogs my favorite blogs…end ramble)

It includes one of my best friend’s from college’s blogs that has not been updated in a year, an outdated link to my brothers now discontinued blog, and then three of my best friends from AZ.

1 of them is labled, “the future author”

Well I am here to tell you that she ain’t no future author anymore.  Her book “Brightly Woven” hit the shelves just a couple of weeks ago!

Now I consider myself one of the truly lucky people who actually got an advanced copy of the book back in August.  I read it in about 3 days (epic for me) and I LOVED it!  The pages practically read themselves to me as I raced through the pages.  It left me wanting to know more about the characters, needing the story to continue, and more importantly it left me incredibly proud of just how talented one of my closest friends is.

I’ve been wanting to buy this book since it hit the shelves, but I’ve been having a bit of trouble.  I could have gotten it easily on Amazon, but I wanted to find it on the shelves of a real bookstore.

Today I was at Columbus Circle grocery shopping when I realized that we were right next to a Borders.  I headed in and asked where I could find a new release fantasy novel called “Brightly Woven” and the guy led me right to it.

I grabbed it immediately, made sure the novel was faced on the shelve, and finally bought it!  I plan to re read it in the next few days, in the mean time it’s just going to be burning a spot on my desk…maybe I can lighten my desk’s load by taking my copy to be signed by the author…possibly this weekend…I’m sending a message via blog wink wink.

Anywho, please, if you love a good fantasy or a good romance, or finding a great new author, look no further 😉


You won’t regret it

P.S. Unrelated but I dyed and cut my hair tonight (actually the bf did it)  I hope pictures will soon surface

About Time

My mother has begun getting on me to update, and it’s been over a month so I figured I did need to give lifeinhyperbole a little love.  I don’t know why I haven’t been updating recently, I don’t have a real good excuse.  I just haven’t been in much of a mood to write.  Even now I’m kind of updating begrudgingly so it might not be a long post…we will see.  stream of conscious.

I can’t believe that we are almost at the end of April.  Where did this month go?  March stands out very vividly in my mind because I went to about one audition every single day for the entire month.  Summer season is coming up (summer stock, etc.) so March was full of auditions.  I can’t tell you why, though, but every audition was at least twice as full as they were last fall.  It was insane.

I’m used to going to a singer’s call several hours early (aka around 8 am for the 10 am call) with the intention of being seen around 2 pm.  I love going to dancer calls because I’d usually show up a half hour early just so I could warm up and then be in one of the first groups and done by lunch.  This hasn’t been the case this spring.

One of the first calls I went to I got to 2 and a half hours early, and I was number 279.  I think I was seen around 5 pm, because I kind of snuck in where other names had been crossed out.

So that month passed.  I felt good about everything.  Of the auditions I went to I was called back for most all of them, which is definitely a step in the right direction and more than a lot of people I know were accomplishing.  It’s just rough out there.  The economy (so I’m told, I am not-despite what some may think- a financial expert) is supposedly turning around, but the theatre is still hurting, and you can see that reflected in the faces of every out of work actor at these cattle calls.

In the end I got a job offer.  I don’t want to go too much into it yet, because I’m hoping…praying that it might become a bigger job offer, so when I have my final contract I’ll let you all know.  But suffice to say for at least a month and a half this summer I will be singing and dancing and living on a private beach.

I also went back to my restaurant.  I told everyone, including myself, that I wasn’t going to do this.  My restaurant is just embarrassing some times and is sketchy on so many levels, and I wanted a better restaurant.  But with all the auditions I was doing it was nice to have a job where I didn’t have to worry about making it to work on time when a call was going a little late.

Spring has also come, which I’m extremely happy about.  I love seeing leaves on trees again, and bright sunny days with blue skies.  However, my allergies have never hit me like they did this year.  The day before easter it started, and then easter sunday I couldn’t even leave my apartment I felt so horrible.  I would, however, be willing to become a spokesperson for zyrtec after these past few weeks.  That’s a product I believe in.

Well I’m gonna end it there.  I’ll try and post again this week.  I really want to take a day where I can bring my computer to the park or something and update from there.  I love updating my post from places that aren’t my apartment couch.  The only problem is that means I have to leave my apartment couch.