Just gonna share a little gem

Hey you guys.  I have been too busy to post the last couple of days, and I don’t see the next few being any better, seeing as I’m getting my life together so I can go on vacation for 2 weeks (jealous?)

I’m actually about to run out the door to go see my friend in a reading, so I’m just going to leave you all with this little gem.

It really has gotten me through some tough times…

Running Away

Do you ever feel like you just want to run away?

Like you would love nothing more than jumping into a car, and driving until the gas ran out in the middle of nowhere, but with the freedom of knowing that there was nothing behind you to tie you down to that which you left behind.

I have too much baggage to ever accomplish such a feat.  I can not leave my family, my friends, my everything.  I know if I ever tried I would be left with nothing but regrets and loneliness.

But the open highway still has a siren call.  A freedom, a chance to start over.  An ability to run away from everything and start over.  Or not even start over, continue without anything tying me back to the past.

The future seems so much easier.  There is so much in my past, and even more in my present that establishes a reality that I am tempted to run away from.  That reality is called adulthood.  I have so many feelings and responsibilities which in recent weeks have been overwhelming, but they are the reality of growing older and I wish I was better at embracing, but alas I shrink away from more often than not.

Today, the present, now, it holds anxiety and stress I want to run away from.  I wish I could go back in time to those moments when I didn’t care about anything, where I wasn’t stressed about anything.  But that is not real life.

The plains, the heartland of america are this open area where the horizon seems limitless.  There is so much ahead of you that it doesn’t matter where you go.  Someone close to me recently said that they saw an awful lot in the review mirror but not too much open road ahead of them.  For personal reasons I was really distressed to hear them say this, but it is also an image that struck way to close to home.

I am 24 years old, and I want to feel less daunted by the road I see ahead of me.  But currently it seems blocked by barriers and other obstacles that I don’t want to see.  I want open highway.  I way limitless horizon.  That is not the reality of life, The road would not be worth driving if there wasn’t something blocking the way to make it interesting,

But that doesn’t mean I can’t hope for freedom