Happy Thanksgiving

I can’t believe that the holiday has already come.  The fall (as I’ve said before) is my favorite season because it’s packed with all my favorite holidays, and it seems to just be blazzing by me.

Tonight I am taking a red eye bus down to DC with the bf to spend the holiday with his fmaily.  I am really excited to get down there.  I need to get out of the city and I also can’t wait to be with family again.  I know today is going to pass really slowly and I am not looking forward to leaving for work in a few minutes.

Today is a really grey day, and I am not very happy about that.  My mood has just been so grey recently that the last thing I need is the weather to reflect what I feel.

I don’t know what else to say.  I’ve been keeping busy, which is a good thing.  I recently went to the opening day of New Moon (which I loved, PS) and one of my really good friends from school just came up for a day.  It was wonderful getting to see her, I do miss her a lot.  We kind of wandered the fifth avenue area for a while which was really enjoyable for me since all the Christmas stuff is going up.

I’m tired.  I think that is the long and short of everything.

I hope everyone has a really wonderful Thanksgiving.  I can’t wait to celebrate it with family and friends, and I hope you all will be just as fortunate.

Happy Turkey Day!!!

The fam in NYC

So I just ha to say goodbye to the parents.  They both came out to to spend some time with me and the bf, and it was such a wonderful week.

My momma came in on Tuesday night, so I picked her up from the airport and we went straight to her hotel (which happens to be about 3 feet from my apartment) and dropped off her luggage.  Afterwards we picked up a very necessary bottle of wine and then I got to show her the apartment.

Tuesday the two of us walked for about 6 hours straight, hitting up the Village and Soho doing some necessary shopping (work clothes for me, killer boots for da momma) before we went up with the boyfriend for a great italian dinner.  That night we got to see Billy Elliot, and I have rarely been so touched by a work of theatre.  My mom and bf thought it was because I’d had a bit of wine by this point, but I cried numerous times throughout the show.  It really hit me.

After the show we came back to Queens and my papa was at the hotel waiting for us (he had some business so had to come in a day later).  Again we made our way to the apartment so papa could see it, and then we packed it in for the night.

Thursday was a pretty miserable day weather wise.  It was gray and rainy and pretty windy as well.  I had also left my camera down in Soho the day before, so we first had to go back there to pick it up (Starbucks won serious points with me by finding and keeping it safe for me!)

After that we went up to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  When I went back in August I kept thinking to myself I need to take my parents when they come and visit.  It was a great choice for a rainy day.  After a day of walking around the city, I kept getting really tired (slash the Met does take a lot out of you)

While at the museum, the boyfriend was at work and found this amazing restaurant for us to go to for dinner.  It is called Quality Meats up on 58th between 5 and 6, and what a wonderful taste of new York.  I think everyone of us ate a bit too much, and enjoyed the meal the right amount.  It was fantastic, I really can’t say enough about it.

After dinner we went to see the revival of Ragtime.  I won’t talk to much about the show, it doesn’t really deserve it.  I didn’t hate the show, it just happens to be one of my favorite of all time, and I’m not sure anything would have lived up to the expectations I had.  I am, however, extremely glad I saw it.

After the show we got a night cap, which I don’t think any of us needed, because we were all SO tired by this point.

Yesterday was another day of bad weather, so we made a kind of late start (slash we were all TIRED) and then went to a movie down in Union Square.  We saw Men who Stare at Goats.  It was weird.  I laughed, but didn’t always know what it was I was laughing at.

Afterwards, we picked up some food because my mommy cooked dinner!  We actually had some friends from Arizona over for my parents to see, and it was really the perfect end to a wonderful trip.  We just enjoyed everyone’s company and laughed and ate, it was wonderful.

So I just grabbed some breakfast with my parents before they had to head off to the airport, and it’s always really hard to say goodbye to them.  I usually assume that the day or so after seeing family is going to be kind of hard because I love spending time with them and getting to see them, and living as far from home as I do it usually means there will be a bit of time till I next get to see them.

So I got misty when I had to watch them drive away, but it was such a good week.  I miss family, I miss the security I feel with them.  In some ways I feel like it shows me why I’m working as hard as I am.  I am working for a security, a family (not yet, but in someways yes) I’m working to make a home for myself and my boyfriend in our life together.

I feel like I’m rambling and not making any sense.  I am watching SYTYCD as I write this because I need a bit of a distraction so I do start feeling all sad.

I’m going to try and increase the frequency of these posts.  Love to all!  And, here is what comes out of google when you search “home”The fact that it's Christmasy makes me happy

The fact that it’s Christmas time makes me happy