
A dark cloud sits above me

It’s belly full and threat’ning

It sits in taunting wait, preparing to explode

And shatter my complacency.

I am haunted by a face

That brought this cloud upon me. 

And here I would surrender 

If the rain would wash me

And Cleanse my body of your memory. 

I surrender!

I surrender!

But the cloud blows away

And here I stand alone

And ever haunted still. 

Love is simple, Love is kind

Love is simple

Love is kind

I stand upon a promontory

To cast myself to sea

Call! Call! Call!

I sing out to the open. 

Songs of myself ride on winds that carry them away

Fly across the waves to distant shores

To distant faces

To distant ears tuned to different songs

To you, if you will listen. 

To that song you stand and turn 

And face the calling echo 

How I hoped you would call back

And join my song in harmony. 

But then across the waves you race

On boat, on wing, on wind, on sea

Miles, miles til you stop

One inch before my face. 

Mirrored expressions sit before me

Reflecting back

What I see

What I believe 

What I value

What I hear

What I know

The mirror glass holds my attention for a time

And what I see is expected. 

My hand raises, your hand raises

My yawns are matched for effect. 

While occasional movements are out of line 

Their intention remains anticipated. 

On a day I woke and turned

To face my mirror glass beauty

A new visage that day appeared 

Discordant with my song. 

Putting down the glass I recognize your beauty

And your voice is raised to match my familiar song

But your voice is out of tune

Your music does not match in harmony.

Hear my voice and match my key! 

Why don’t you know the song?

Have you not heard?

Have you not listened?

Does my song call on def ears

That wouldn’t know it’s beauty?

And now the face before me does not reflect

Any piece of myself

Or you that I have known. 

What song can we sing together?

What mirror can we hope to use?

Do you hear my call still as you did that day you raced to find me

Standing on a promontory?

I look in eyes, a stranger’s eyes, as love wells up within them

And I am the stranger who fails to see

While I would listen you would look

And I could not recognize what you saw

With my voice a softer tenor, if I let your words infuse

Newer thoughts and fresher images 

Blossom in the space that lies between us

Not part of you

Not part of me

Hanging like a pendulum in that air that separates us. 

I can hear our song together

And bolder still I hear the first

That love is simple

Love is kind. 

Love is simple.

Love is kind.